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Design - Pack Design - Vaping

Following a phase of extensive brand and creative research 4x Design routes were put forward to be examined across eight International markets. Key questions needed to be answered; Could one pack design be used at a Global level? How did each design execution resonate within each market? Was a sub-brand needed in specific markets?

Owing to the global nature of the research it was paramount that the process followed a structured format whilst allowing for local cultural differences to be explored and the nuances that impacted on appeal understood.

Indeed. This project demonstrated that universal approval is very hard to come by! Polarisation is common. It was our role to interpret and communicate the findings in such a way that the route of least resistance is often the way forward rather than a radical creative device that is loved by the few and disliked by the many. Sometimes the clichés are true – evolution not revolution.


  • Pack Design

  • Product Design

  • Web Design

  • Design for Designs Sake

With Director involvement at every stage we build relationships, inspire people, and make research stimulating for everyone involved. Email Kevin Stanfield :


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